Inspiring Books: Two female students choose …

For this post in our Inspiring Books series two female students who come to St Chrysostom’s tell us about a book which has inspired them.  

Thank you to Hannah and Sarah for their contributions to the series.

Hannah is an undergraduate studying Theology at Manchester University.

Hannah writes “My book recommendation is Simply Jesus by Tom Wright. This book tells the reader about Jesus’ message and who he was. It inspired me as it uses the core values/ message of Jesus’ to place in our modern context and how to become more ‘Christ Like’.”

Tom Wright was Bishop of Durham (2003-2010) becoming a research professor at St Andrews University. He has written extensively on the New Testament. Many of his book are written for a general audience, and are aimed at presenting the New Testament in a straightforward and accessible way.

Some of those we have asked for this series have found it difficult to choose one book, and we know our choices may vary depending on when we are asked.

Sarah, a post graduate music student at Manchester University has chosen two books.

Sarah writes: “The book I want to suggest is Persuasion by Jane Austen. It’s one of my absolutely favourite books and its taught me that its never too late to make things right, forgive others, or forgive yourself.

Another one that is perhaps a bit more intense but has also inspired me is Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke. Reading it as a teenager inspired me not to make rash first impressions based on appearance or other people’s opinions.”

This post is the second in our series in which different people share their Inspiring Books, for the first, the choices of two University Librarians, click here.

About stchrysostoms

St Chrysostom’s is an Anglican (Church of England) parish church in Manchester, UK. We’re an inclusive, diverse and welcoming faith community rejoicing in our Anglo Catholic tradition, where people of many differing backgrounds make friends. Find our Facebook group at
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