Inspiring Books: Two Lutheran young women from the US choose…

For the next entry in our popular Inspiring Books series we turn to two young ladies from the US – who have in common the fact that they are Lutheran and also that they have been with us at St Chrysostom’s as Parish Assistants. It’s lovely to have the choices of Hannah Loeffler-Kemp and Mycah McNett.

Mycah writes:  “My book recommendation is… A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.

The strength, weakness, and creativity of the young girl main protagonist was hope inspiring, and the way that she worked with her sidekick friend and brilliant little brother was a good reminder of how important the people who go with you on a journey are.

I read this traditionally children’s book as an adult recently, and found the message of the book still as palpable today as it would have been were I a young person.”

Hannah has several suggestions. One which was popular when she was at college and continues to inspire her and others is Love Wins by Rob Bell. Indeed this book has been described as “the world’s most talked-about modern Christian book.” There has been controversy about the book, not least from traditionalist Christians and perhaps simply because, as one reviewer has said “It asks excellent questions and it has reached a large audience with those questions.”

Hannah gave two other suggestions: Firstly,  Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, which challenges lifestyle, and how we apply faith to the way we live and act, and secondly, and Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel, “a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in the US today.’  

Thank you to Mycah and Hannah for these contributions.

This post is the fourth in which different people share their Inspiring Books, for the first post, the choices of two University Librarians,  click here. and for the second, the choice of two students, click here. In the third post two women priests gave their choices here.

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St Chrysostom’s is an Anglican (Church of England) parish church in Manchester, UK. We’re an inclusive, diverse and welcoming faith community rejoicing in our Anglo Catholic tradition, where people of many differing backgrounds make friends. Find our Facebook group at
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