Inspiring Books: Two teachers and two pupils choose

St John’s Primary School supplies us with four inspiring books, in this special post for World Book Day in our Inspiring Books series.

First of all the choice of two pupils and then the choice of two teachers. Read on! – We’re sure you will see what a fascinating time was had finding out these inspiring books.

The first pupil choice is of Zulaikha who chose Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. Zulaikha was impressed by the quality of writing and at the way sad and happy parts joined together in this book about the First World War. She was inspired by the way in which family and friends stood up for one another in adverse circumstances. Zulaika found it a ‘good read’ and has been pleased to recommend it to others.


Saxby Smart, Private detective  is a series of books by Simon Cheshire, which has inspired Yousuf. These are stories about a boy who uses his knowledge to work out complicated cases. Yousef said the books inspire him to face tough situations and use knowledge to help. They are good books which at the end of each chapter leave you wondering what happens next.

Mrs Mehran Zaman
, a teacher at the school named To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee as her choice. She read it at a pivotal time in her life – when she was doing GCSEs at the age of 15. It made a great impression, and was an inspiration as a young woman was working in her mind about the future – where she would be accepted and honoured. The book inspired  Mrs Zaman to carry on,- at a time when multiculturalism was not so strong in England – and do her best whatever the circumstances.

A very different book was chosen by Mrs Juliet Francis, Head of School at John’s. She chose Flotsam by David Wiesner – a book without words. A boy is at the beach and finds an old camera. He takes the film to get it developed, and sees photos of fantastical undersea cities and inventions. The last picture is the most interesting,… The book has value well beyond the wonder it holds for young children. Mrs Francis said she has been inspired by the book to pursue more and more her educational philosophy of integrating subjects in the curriculum – especially in this case reading and the arts.

Thank you so much to our four contributors from the St John’s School community – what lovely choices. 

This post is the fifth in our ongoing series in which different people share their Inspiring Books, for the first post, the choices of two University Librarians,  click here. and for the second, the choice of two students, click here. In the third post two women priests gave their choices here.  We crossed the sea to the US for the choice of two young ladies – here.

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St Chrysostom’s is an Anglican (Church of England) parish church in Manchester, UK. We’re an inclusive, diverse and welcoming faith community rejoicing in our Anglo Catholic tradition, where people of many differing backgrounds make friends. Find our Facebook group at
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