First steps on our labyrinth

Beginning making our St C's labyrinth

Beginning making our St C’s labyrinth

We’ve a special event at Church when our moveable canvas labyrinth is blessed and used for the first time on Sunday. Rosie, Parish Assistant writes:

The idea for our own labyrinth first came from Fr Ian, who came across several labyrinths on his travels during his Sabbatical. It struck us as a great thing to have here at St Chrysostom’s – so we thought, why not make our own?

I teamed up with Simon, who made the moveable labyrinth at Gorton Monastery, to plan the venture. Then during Advent (armed with canvas, irons, sewing items, paint, and plenty of cups of tea) we, together with a group from church, spent a very enjoyable day constructing our very own St C’s Labyrinth. We were even joined by some folks from Glossop who were interested in what it was all about!

This Sunday evening our very own portable labyrinth will be laid out at the back of Church and used for the first time. At our 5pm Vespers we will be blessing the labyrinth, and then walking it as an act of prayer will form the central point of our worship.

Our labyrinth

Our labyrinth

The labyrinth will be laid out at different times of the year to help us in prayer, and on our Christian journey.

Have a look at our website, where you can find lots more information about our Labyrinth.

About stchrysostoms

St Chrysostom’s is an Anglican (Church of England) parish church in Manchester, UK. We’re an inclusive, diverse and welcoming faith community rejoicing in our Anglo Catholic tradition, where people of many differing backgrounds make friends. Find our Facebook group at
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